Why and How to Measure Your Social Media ROI | BloggingBistro.com

Why and How to Measure Your Social Media ROI: Useful Tips and Tricks

Measuring your social media ROI (return on investment) when you’re not sure what metrics to focus on can be challenging. Our guest columnist, Lilach Bullock, unravels the mystery and provides loads of practical, doable, step-by-step tips. Get ready to measure your social media results!

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How to Protect Your Computer in Case of Disaster, Plus 10 More Excellent Tutorials

In this updated version of helpful blog posts from around the web, you’ll find links to 11 excellent tutorials about website security, search engine optimization (SEO), e-mail marketing, and website essentials.

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42 – Analyze Engagement and Adjust Your Social Media Goals

It’s time to exercise your social media muscles! In the final installment of our 4-part series on the secret to doing social media, you’ll (1) decide which social network(s) to be active on (2) get best practices for engaging with your followers, and (3) discover why doing weekly and monthly analytics reviews will help you adjust your routine so you focus on activities that best build your business.

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3 Easy Tips to Help People Discover Your Website and Blog | The Professional Writer Podcast with Laura Christianson | Episode 35 | bloggingbistro.com/podcast

35 – 3 Easy Tricks to Help People Discover Your Website and Blog

If you’ve been blogging or podcasting consistently for a year or more, chances are that over half the people who visit your website or blog find it via an “organic search.” In this 8-minute episode (includes transcript), you’ll learn about the beauty of organic search and will get 3 simple, actionable tips to help you ramp up the organic search factor.

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